The Small Business Laser tag set will suit you if you have already decided to start laser tag business , or you want to renew your laser tag equipment. It is somewhat similar to the easy start package, but it includes a number of additional devices for the game (MedKits, Domination points), and for configuration and testing (USB-base, RGB-Target). This is one of the most popular packages to start a laser tag business.
1o items AK-12LT Predator PRO
10 items Smart RGB headband
1 item Bluetooth base
1 item USB Base
1 item Universal remote
2 items MedKit (plastic)
3 items Domination Point
1 item RGB Target
1 item Charger “Spider”
1 item Charger “FireFly”
3 items Charger Li+
FREE as a special!
2 items AK-12LT “Predator” PRO +
2 items Smart RGB headband
2 items Smart RGB headband
2 items MP9-LT «Phoenix» +
2 items MP9-LT «Phoenix» +
2 items Smart RGB headband